Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 Very Helpful Tips For Children and Brushing Teeth

Children, as everyone knows can be a handful. They can be easily distracted, especially when they have to brush their teeth. Dr. Kevin Boyd, Pediatric Dentist Chicago, understands that it takes time to get children used to brushing. Here are 7 helpful tips that the pediatric dentist Chicago recommends.

1. Use a brush that has gentle bristles because it may irritate the child’s teeth if the bristles are too rough, therefore making them lose interest in brushing.

2. Pediatric dentist Chicago says to use only a small amount of toothpaste while brushing. 

3. Make sure to brush in a comfortable position so that the child feels safe.

4. Using a time is one of the best ways to make the child feel that brushing can be fun says the pediatric dentist Chicago.

5. Be sure to brush the teeth in back! This is a very common mistake for children.

6. Make sure that you rinse!               

7. Floss Floss Floss! This is the most important tip says pediatric dentist Chicago

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