Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Replacing a Silver Filling

Many patients have old, silver filings placed when they were a child. Often they leak over time and get decay around or under them. Fortunately, a conservative metal filling can be replaced with an alloy-free "white" filling called a composite.  The above photograph shows the sequencing of the replacement on one tooth.
The first (left most) photo shows half the silver filling removed.
The second shows all the metal removed.
The third photo shows all decay removed. Notice how a metal filling can stain a tooth.
The last (right most) photo shows the composite replacement filling.

It is Dr. Tekin's philosophy to practice metal-free dentistry whenever possible.
Dentistry and photography by Dr. Brock Tekin

Dental X-Rays, Brain Tumor Link ?

There is a lot of press lately linking dental x-rays to brain cancer.  While it is true that children should receive less radiation exposure, the clinical benefits of adult dental x-rays outweigh the negative ones.  At Art of the Smile, we use digital radiography: not old-fashioned film x-rays.  The amount of exposure is about 1/10th of radiation exposure compared to that traditionally used just 10 years ago !!  Our office has the Nomad x-ray machine.  It emits such a low dose of radiation, our hygienist, Susan (pictured) doesn't even have to leave the room to take an x-ray !  Still, we use ADA approved protective aprons and thyroid protectors to minimal exposure.  Our patient's health is paramount Art of the Smile :)ABC News Video

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Is Bleeding of the Gums Normal?

You may have asked yourself, “why do gums bleed?” Pediatric Dentist Chicago, Dr. Boyd, says that it is not healthy for gums to be bleeding. He states that this is an immediate indication of infection. He goes on to say that if the gums are healthy, they should not be bleeding! This can lead to gum disease, or in the long run, tooth loss. If your gums are bleeding, you should schedule an immediate appointment with the pediatric dentist Chicago. Simple brushing and flossing can prevent gum disease, and in return, prevent your gums from bleeding!

Dental Care for Infants

Caring for your babie’s teeth, depending on how many they have, is critical. Pediatric dentist Chicago says that it is recommended that you should turn your infant onto dental basics before their first birthday. This helps establish the basics of brushing, and getting used to how the brush feels in the child’s mouth, says the Chicago pediatric dentist.
This is also a great way to benefit your infant from dental problems that may occur in early stages. Tooth decay is among the most common dental problems that occurs in infants. Just by doing this simple task, Pediatric dentist Chicago states that you are not only reducing the risk for your baby to have dental problems, but you are also giving yourself peace of mind.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Dental Implants. Whats all the Buzz?

Dental Implants have been around for a long time but only recently have they been so marketed to the public. Thats because research has shown us that a PROPERLY done dental implant is the best and most long lasting option for replacing a missing tooth or teeth. An implant is the closest thing to nature we can do in dentistry. We replace the missing root with a new titanium root and then attach a post and crown to it. It mimics the natural tooth unlike a bridge or denture. Here is a diagram showing what an implant is. It mimics a natural tooth in every way. At Aesthetic Smiles in Boise Idaho an implant is the treatment of choice to replace a missing tooth.
An implant is not suseptable to things like cavities, root canals, and other things that harm natural teeth. If properly cared for an Implant has the potential to last a lifetime, which makes it much more economical then other treatment options. Implants help preserve the jaw bone which over time atrophies when a tooth is removed. Implants can be used to hold a denture in place, replace a whole mouth of missing or problematic teeth, or just replace 1 missing tooth. The possibilites are endless with dental implants. They can also look very natural if done with proper care and attention. This smile has one of their front teeth as an implant. Can u tell which one? Probably not.
Make sure that the Dentist preforming the procedure is highly qualified and has lots of experience. Ask to see examples of their work. Implants are a very technique sensitive procedure that can have devastating failures if not done correctly. Much of our practice is fixing problems from past treatment done elsewhere. At Aesthetic Smiles we use 3D technology and computer guided surgery to ensure accurate placement. Aesthetic Smiles is a leader in the dental implant industry is the Boise Idaho area. Dental Implants are a routine procedure in our office and we take the time to ensure successful outcomes. If you'd like to schedule a free consultation to see if you're a candidate for dental implants, call us at 208-888-0662 or visit us at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adjusting Braces

Braces are not permanent, thankfully. Over time, more and more pieces of the braces will be removed as the teeth become straighter says Dr. Boys orthodontist Chicago. After braces have been placed on a patient’s teeth, wires are then applied. The wires contain very small rubber bands also known as elastic ties. The rubber bands come off gradually as time progresses says the orthodontist in Chicago.  Making appointments to get your braces and wires evaluated are essential to the process of braces. Dr. Boyd is among the best orthodontists in Chicago when it comes to children. His practice specializes with children, so he knows exactly what they should be doing. There is a specific order in which the process of adjusting braces happens in. usually in the following order. The colored ties are removed. Then the wires are removes. After that, the patient is finally allowed to brush their teeth. The orthodontist in Chicago would then recommend new treatment ideas, and finally replace the new colors onto the braces.

What types of Braces the best for you?

Braces are common for children and teenagers says Dr. Boyd Orthodontist Chicago. This can be from genetics, bad eating habits, or  injuries. There are many components to braces. One being brackets.  There are three types of brackets says the orthodontist in Chicago. Regular brackets are made of steel or clear colored plastic and are then mounted to the front of every tooth. Then there are Lingual-type brackets. These are used on the back of the teeth rather than the front. Orthodontist Chicago says this may be ideal for patients who are worried about their appearance. The final type is traditional bands. These are better known as the full metal mouthful.

The Orthodontist in Chicago says that different braces apply to different types of teeth, Come in today and let the Chicago Orthodontist check out what braces would be best for your child.

Healthy Habits for Better Teeth

Many Americans do not make the right eating choices. Children are even more likely to make bad eating decisions. This may affect the way your teeth look due to different sugars and acids. Here are some easy ways to improve your eating habits and also improve your teeth says pediatric dentist in Chicago, Dr. Boyd.

Dr. Boyd, Pediatric Dentist Chicago, of Dentistry 4 Children specializes with working with children and dental problems. He states that eating foods such as nuts, apples or cheese after eating a heavy carb  meal may help prevent cavities. The Pediatric Dentist Chicago says that the texture on those kinds of food break up the plaque that is stuck to your teeth. This is especially important for children to eat these kinds of foods, rather than going to grab a sugary snack or soda.  

If children, and adults, follow these simple steps, they can reduce the risk of gingivitis or other tooth related diseases. Pediatric Dentist Chicago

7 Very Helpful Tips For Children and Brushing Teeth

Children, as everyone knows can be a handful. They can be easily distracted, especially when they have to brush their teeth. Dr. Kevin Boyd, Pediatric Dentist Chicago, understands that it takes time to get children used to brushing. Here are 7 helpful tips that the pediatric dentist Chicago recommends.

1. Use a brush that has gentle bristles because it may irritate the child’s teeth if the bristles are too rough, therefore making them lose interest in brushing.

2. Pediatric dentist Chicago says to use only a small amount of toothpaste while brushing. 

3. Make sure to brush in a comfortable position so that the child feels safe.

4. Using a time is one of the best ways to make the child feel that brushing can be fun says the pediatric dentist Chicago.

5. Be sure to brush the teeth in back! This is a very common mistake for children.

6. Make sure that you rinse!               

7. Floss Floss Floss! This is the most important tip says pediatric dentist Chicago

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Advantages of Early Orthodontics

An orthodontist can improve a smile at any age. However, there is a specific timeframe which is recommended. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that the first orthodontic appointment should be around age 7. This is the average age of the eruption of the upper permanent front teeth. At this age, orthodontic services may be recommended and examination can predict the best route to caring for your child's teeth.

You may ask yourself what are the benefits of doing this at such a young age? Early evaluation not only provides detection of problems, but also greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Early treatment can also be known as interceptive treatment or even Phase 1 treatment. Some of the most common results of phase 1 treatment are crowded teeth, erupting teeth, creating facial symmetry with jaw growth, reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth, and making space for new teeth to come in. Not everyone needs phase 1 treatments.  Reducing the need for tooth removal is another advantage of early orthodontics. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are considering orthodontics for your child.
-       Do your child’s front teeth stick out too far?
-       Do your child’s front teeth cover the lower too much?
-       When your child’s back teeth touch can they stick their tongue in between the front teeth?
-       Is there too little or too much room for your child’s teeth?

If you answered yes to any of these questions feel free to contact us at


or visit us at

1721 North Halsted Avenue Chicago, Ilinois 60614

Dentistry for Special Needs Children and Adults

Special Needs Dentist Chicago

Children and adults with special needs are unique in their own ways.  Some children with special needs may require extra attention. 

Special needs children may have symptoms can affect their teeth in many ways including how their teeth will grow, how calcium in enamel s layered in the tooth’s enamel, how much saliva builds up in the mouth, and how often the child is able to eat. With all of the symptoms and special treatment that may be required, you may ask when is the best time to visit the dentist. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists recommends children with special needs should visit a dentist 6 months after their first tooth comes in. They also recommend no later 12 months, if you would like to wait a little while. Pediatric dentists are specially trained for 2 to 3 years after dental school to handle patients with these symptoms.  Here are some very helpful tips for challenges with brushing the child’s teeth.
-       You do not have to brush only in the bathroom
-       You may brush you child’s teeth with their head in your lap so you can see the teeth better.
-       Keep the child occupied while brushing.
-       Let the child “teeth” or chew on the toothbrush to get used to it.

Adults with special needs are just as important as children with special needs when it comes to their dental care. Like children, special needs adults may have symptoms that can alter the way to care for their teeth. Here are some tips for adults with special needs.
-       Eat Well! Eat foods such as fruits and vegetables to reduce the rtisk of tooth decay
-       Clean Well! Brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day to reduce plaque buildup.
-       Drink Well! Drink plenty of water and not so much sweet, or sugary drinks.

If you have any questions about dentistry for children with special needs, feel free to contact us at


or visit us at

1721 North Halsted Avenue Chicago, Ilinois 60614